General attitude of young Africans regarding the choice to migrate. Social Network Survey
Il report raccoglie i risultati delle interazioni generate da una massiva campagna di comunicazione social
che ha raggiunto 1,2 Milioni di giovani Africani residenti in oltre 40 paesi del continente. La campagna
aveva l’obiettivo esplicito di alimentare il dibattito sulle cause delle scelte migratorie e sulle motivazioni al viaggio o all’opposto sulle ragioni che inducono a non partire tenuto contro anche dei percoli e dei rischi e
incertezza connessi alla migrazione irregolare verso l’Europa. Le interazioni hanno offerto un ottimo
osservatorio sulle idee che i giovani africani di classe media hanno sull’Europa e sull’occidente in generale, sulle scelte migratorie e sulla consapevolezza dei rischi e delle difficoltà che incontrano durante la loro permanenza in Europa o delle condizioni nel loro Paese d'origine per coloro che rimangono. Gli oltre 600 commenti alcuni dei quali hanno raggiunto una discreta popolarità nelle discussioni interne del post, sono stati classificati per ricostruire un quadro organico degli atteggiamenti dei giovani africani verso le scelte migratorie.

The report analyses for the European Parliament the policies implemented by the local administration to overcome the presence of Roma camps in Rome in the context of the pandemic period.
In less than 4 years the number of individuals who left the camps were 1851, bringing the total number to a decrease in presences of the 41%.
The marked reduction in the presence of residents in the camps can be attributed to two drivers that acted simultaneously in the period between 2016 and 2020/2021 :
- The interventions included in the Roma Inclusion Plan developed by the Municipality of Rome between 2016 and 2017 and operational until the end of 2021 (end of the council term ) and explicitly aimed at reducing the presence in the camps by offering a composite set of tools dedicated to the gradual exit from the camps of the resident population
- The outbreak in Europe of the Covid-19 epidemic that had Italy as its epicenter in 2020, with the health risk and virus containment measures starting with repeated lockdowns. These dynamics have had a strong impact on the informal and subsistence economy systems of the camps, so much so that many residents of foreign nationality have moved from the camps to Rome and Italy to return to their countries of origin or to move away from the camp to settle in less exposed locations
Esperienze di Co-Housing a Roma 2021
Il report analizza lo strumento del cohousing applicato a Roma per offrire una sistemazione abitativa di emergenza ad alcune famiglie svantaggiate sgomberate da campi abitativi e slums.
Questo rapporto realizzato per Roma Capitale ha lo scopo di fornire per la prima volta un set di dati relativi alla quantità e qualità della presenza nei cosiddetti “campi Rom” a Roma, comprendendo con ciò i residenti nei campi autorizzati e tollerati, quelli negli insediamenti informali, nelle aree golenali e nelle occupazioni abusive. Presenta la tipologia, la qualità e il numero delle misure disegnate e implementate, e la base teorico metodologica su cui si fondano, con un focus specifico per ciascuna delle aree di intervento sociale. Il rapporto fornisce, per la prima volta, una base dati uniforme su un segmento di popolazione residente su cui, nonostante la sua esiguità numerica e il suo essere stata oggetto di numerosi interventi nel corso di questi decenni, non si possedevano dati sociali e sociodemografici precisi, salvo quelli dei rilevamenti annuali della SPE della Polizia Locale di Roma Capitale. Il rapporto statistico illustra nel dettaglio il lavoro di sistematizzazione dati e di ricerca svolto in questi cinque anni di consiliatura e presenta gli interventi effettuati all’interno del Piano per il superamento dei campi e l’inclusione della Popolazione Rom, Sinti e Caminanti, analizzandoli diacronicamente (dove era possibile farlo per la presenza di una baseline acquisita in precedenza) e sistematizzandoli dal punto di vista della messa in qualità dei dati
Minor and young migrants in Italy. Scenario analysis of gender-based violence (GBV) - Rest Project 2021
Non-EU children and young adults: an analysis of the 2015-2019 migration flows According to the latest data, in 2019 177,254 non-EU citizens entered Italy, of whom 29% (51,420) were minors and 19.5% (34,626) were young adults aged 18-24 years, with the majority of them being male. Tables 1 and 2 show the countries of origin of the children and young people who arrived in Italy between 2015 and 2019. In the 5-year period between 2015 and 2019, Albania provided the highest number of child and young migrants - in 2019 alone, 31.5% (equal to 6,745) of migrants from Albania were under the age of 18 -, followed by Morocco, Bangladesh and Egypt (5,896, 3,662 and 3,661 respectively). China is the country with the highest number of young migrants aged between 18 and 24: 3,626 units in 2019, equal to 40.8% of total migrants. If we consider young people up to 24 years of age, Albanians, Pakistanis and Moroccans follow in terms of arrivals (with 3,374, 2,547 and 2,284 units respectively). The number of young people coming from African countries, and especially from Nigeria (-42.8% for children and -81.9% for young adults) saw a decrease in the two-year period between 2018 and 2019. The number of Chinese children and young adults also dropped: -53.9% and -24.2% respectively compared to 2015. The number of migrants from Albania also saw a downward trend. On the other hand, the number of children arriving from Bangladesh gradually increased, going from 1,948 in 2015 to 3,662 in 2019, while the number of young adults fell significantly (-51.8% compared to 2018 and -52.9% compared to 2015).
Survey - Services active in the field of protection and support to UAMs and young adults who are SGBV victims in Rome - Rest project 2021
This report presents the results of in-depth interviews with service providers in Rome aimed at collecting information about the services active in the field of protection and support to UAMs and young adults who are SGBV victims, in terms of who, how, with which resources the services is delivered, and their attitudes towards victims.
Subject of the survey: the description of the services provided and their level of accessibility, the analysis of existing networks at city level and the presence of access’ barriers to the services.
The investigation started from INTERSOS operators and included key actors of the territorial network of public and private social-health services with a specific focus on service providers for young migrants. A total of 30 interviews were carried out.
The general project's aim is to implement a strategy to reach out to migrant unaccompanied minors (UAMs) and young men who are victims of sexual violence and/or exploitation or are exposed to it, providing them with tailored support. The interviews, which explored the level of implementation of services for abused young migrants, were intended to provide an informative background for setting up standard operative procedures (SOPs) for professionals.
The interviews were conducted between February and April 2021. In this period Italy was in a complete lock down phase with many offices operational only in smart working. The structured questionnaire interviews (see Annex 1) were therefore carried out using all possible survey techniques: face-to-face, video call and in CAWI mode with subsequent telephone call.